Recursion by Blake Crouch

WOW! Is all I can say about this book!  After reading Dark Matter which is also by Blake Crouch I was looking forward to Recursion . I was blown away!

This novel follows the story of a neuroscientist, Helena Smith, as she searches for a way to create technology to preserve memories.  She is driven even more so by watching her mother's battle with memory loss.  Helena believes that memory makes reality and preserving memories will give us the chance to help millions of people.

This novel also follows a NYC detective named Barry Sutton. He is looking in to a new phenomenon the media is calling False Memory Syndrome.  People with the condition wake up with a lifetime of detailed memories that never occurred.  If memory does make reality, then what does this new condition mean to reality?

If you are looking for a science fiction novel that will blow your mind then this is for you.  Be prepared to lose hours of sleep, however, as you read via flashlight to find out what happens next.  I didn't think Blake Crouch could top Dark Matter but boy was I wrong.  Check out Recursion. You will not be disappointed.
