The Impossible Fortress by Jason Rekulak
Its a coming of age story about a teenage boy who is trying to balance changing friendships, girls, and his love of computer coding. It is set in the 1980's and full of references that will delight any 80's lover (like myself). This was a quick read and kept my attention throughout the entire novel.
One of the best parts of the novel isn't actually in the novel itself. In the story, the protagonist is working on coding game for a gaming contest. The author has included a copy of the finished game on his website at With the notes in the back of the book not only are you invited to play the game but encouraged to beat his high score of 11,358. I have yet to do this but will continue to try!
Overall, if you are looking for a quick, fun read that will take you back to you 1980's childhood, this book is for you.
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