July Book of the Month Picks

If you are not a member of Book of the Month Club you don't know what your missing!  It is like Christmas every month.  It cost $14.99 a month and you get to pick from 5 current (or even  not yet released) books.   After the first book you can add up to 2 more books to your box for $9.99 each.  I actually love it so much I have two accounts!  This is something that you can do for yourself and not spend a lot of money.   I love it!  You can join here and get a free book for joining: https://www.mybotm.com/e4m0b14796o

This month I chose The Gifted School and The Gods of Jade and Shadow.  The other 4 books pictured are my add-ons. I cannot wait to read them and give a review!
